
Jim Evans

Setup a custom domain for your support portal

Last updated
Available in
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When you signup for your Trakdesk helpdesk account, the URL for your helpdesk support portal is a trakdesk subdomain, Example: mycompany.trakdesk.com. However, at some point you may want to use your own domain for your helpdesk support portal, like: company.com. Trakdesk offers a feature called host-mapping that allows you to setup your own custom domain for your helpdesk support portal.

Setting up a custom domain

  1. Login to your helpdesk as an administrator.
  2. Go to the Admin Page.
  3. Select the Rebranding option.
  4. Before adding your custom domain, you will need to setup a CNAME record.

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  5. Create a CNAME record within your DNS provider's admin panel, and configure it to point to your Trakdesk.com support portal URL. For example, if your support portal URL is http://company.trakdesk.com, make your CNAME record something like http://support.comopany.com and point it to your Trakdesk support portal URL. Please allow it several minutes to update before setting up your custom domain in your helpdesk.

    Warning: If you are using cloudflare to manage your DNS, make sure to leave the CNAME record protection Status disabled as shown in the diagram above.
  6. Click on the Add a custom domain option.

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  7. Enter your custom domain and save.

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  8. Once completed, you will be redirected to your helpdesk support portal via your custom domain URL.
  9. Note: By default, your helpdesk will use a non-secure (http) protocol. If you would like to use (https) protocol, Upload your SSL certificate and enable Force SSL option in the Admin page (Security Settings).

SSL Certificate

Every Trakdesk account automatically comes with a wildcard SSL certificate for your default support portal URL. However, if you prefer to setup your own custom domain for your support URL, you can easily upload your SSL Certificate in your account settings page and we will happily install it for you within 2 business days. Once the process is completed, you can enable the force SSL option so that your data will be transmitted securely via https protocol.

Setting up your SSL Certificate

  1. Login to you helpdesk as an administrator.
  2. Go to then Admin Page.
  3. Select the Security Settings option.
  4. Click on the Upload SSL button to upload your custom SSL certificate.

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  5. Finally, select your Certificate (.pem) and (.key) files and click on the Upload SSL button to upload your SSL certificate.

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  6. Note: Once your SSL certificate has been uploaded, it will take up to two business days for us to process your request. Once once support team has installed your SSL certificate onto our servers, the Force SSL option will become available. You can then enable this option to force your helpdesk to use https protocol.
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