Getting things done faster with macros
Last updated
Available in
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- Enterprise
Macros automations let you execute a series of actions to a single ticket at once. They can help you to quickly handle recurring support requests or tickets. For example, you could create a macro to change a ticket priority to high, assign that ticket to a specific group or agent, send an email or SMS response to the customer or agent and many more.
Macros also allow you to set up a series of automatic responses to otherwise tedious and time consuming tasks. Rather than spending time completing the same ticket request repeatedly, you can use the macros as a convenient way for you to automate task responses which would otherwise have your agents engaged.
Setting up a macro
- Login to your helpdesk as an administrator.
- Go to the Admin Page.
- Select the Macros option.
- At the Top Right of the page, click on the drop down menu and select Add Macro.
- Enter a unique name and description for the new macro and then modify the actions as needed.
- Save the macro and thats all.
Note: Each macro you have setup can execute up to a maximum of 8 unique actions at a time. Example; you cannot add multiple Set status as action in a single macro. while you will be able to do it in the front interface, your helpdesk will not allow you to save the macro.
Executing a macro
- Open the ticket that you would like to execute the macro on.
- At the Top Right of the page, click on the drop down menu and select Macros.
- Once the macros popup modal has opened, locate the macro that you would like to execute and click on the Execute button.