

Protect your helpdesk and data with session expiration

Last updated
Available in
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  • Enterprise

Session timeout is a security control mechanism that is in place to limit the length of a user connection to an endpoint before forcing the user to re-authenticate. This control is important especially when working with sensitive data. For example, you can enable session timeout to automatically terminate an agent's connection to your helpdesk if the agent has been idling for the past 30 minutes. The next time the agent clicks on a link, it will require him to re-login. 

Configuring user session

  1. Login to your helpdesk as an administrator.
  2. Go to the Admin Page.
  3. Select the Security Settings option.
  4. Enable the User Session option and enter a session timeout interval.
    Image title
    Note: Session timeout is in minutes. Example, 30 means 30 minutes.
  5. Click on the Save Changes button and that's it.
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