
Anand Lall

Setting up google drive app in your helpdesk

Last updated
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With Trakdesk Google Drive integration, you can attach files to tickets and knowledge base articles directly from your Google Drive account in just one click. 

Setting up Google Drive app

  1. Login to your helpdesk as an administrator.
  2. Go to the Admin Page.
  3. Select the Integrations option.
  4. Click on the Marketplace button, there you will find all apps that are current available to you.
  5. Hover the Google Drive app and click on the view option.
  6. Once the popup modal has opened. Review the app information and click on the Install App button to install the app. 
  7. After the app has been successfully installed, you will be redirected to the configuration page. 
  8. If you do not have a Google Drive API key, you can get one from the Google's Developers Console
  9. Enter your Google Drive API Key - Key is listed under the "Key for browser apps" in the Google Developers Console.
  10. Enter your Client ID - This is the first portion of your OAuth2 client ID. 

    Example: (xxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com)
    Note: Do not enter the ".apps.googleusercontent.com" part.

  11. Finally, click on the Save changes button.

Testing the integration

There are a few places from where you can test the app integration. For demonstration purposes, we will be testing the app from the New ticket create page.

  1. Go to the New ticket create page.
  2. Click on the Attach a file option at that bottom of the page.
  3. Select the From Google Drive option.
    Image title
  4. After the Google Drive popup modal has opened, select the file that you would like to attach to the ticket.
  5. The file will be appended to the list of attachments and will be uploaded when creating the ticket. You can remove the file by click on the X option.

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